
Cheating Crackdown: UAE Introduces Tough Penalties for Exam Fraud

Under the new regulations unveiled by the Foundation, students found guilty of cheating will face severe repercussions, including a complete forfeiture of marks for the exam in question

In a bid to uphold the integrity of academic assessments and curb the alarming rise of cheating incidents, the Emirates School Education Foundation has announced stringent measures against offenders.

The crackdown comes in response to several instances of cheating detected during the end-of-second-semester exams for the current academic year.


Under the new regulations unveiled by the Foundation, students found guilty of cheating will face severe repercussions, including a complete forfeiture of marks for the exam in question.

Moreover, employees implicated in facilitating cheating activities will be referred to the public prosecution, pursuant to Federal Decree Law No. (33) of 2023, which targets the prevention of fraud and disruption within the examination system.

In a significant move to bolster the deterrent effect, the UAE government recently enacted a federal law in February 2024 aimed at combating cheating in examinations.

The law imposes hefty fines of up to Dh200,000 on individuals other than students who engage in prohibited activities before, during, or after exams.

These activities include disseminating exam-related information, tampering with answers or grades, and assuming another student’s identity to sit for the exam.

Furthermore, individuals convicted of exam fraud may be required to undertake community service for a period of up to six months, either as an additional penalty or in lieu of the fine.


This multifaceted approach underscores the authorities’ unwavering commitment to maintaining academic integrity and fostering a culture of honesty and fairness in educational settings.

The definition of cheating outlined in the law encompasses a broad spectrum of illicit behaviors, including the unauthorized acquisition, sharing, or use of exam-related information through illegal means.

This includes circumventing electronic examination systems, falsifying results, or employing various forms of technological or other prohibited aids during examinations.

Importantly, these stringent regulations apply not only to governmental institutions but also to private educational entities, including schools, universities, and colleges.

The comprehensive scope of the law reflects the government’s determination to root out cheating practices across all educational sectors, thereby safeguarding the credibility and reputation of the nation’s academic institutions.

In the event of a cheating incident involving a student, disciplinary procedures will be initiated in accordance with the established conduct rules and regulations prescribed by the Ministry of Education and educational authorities in each Emirate.

These measures underscore the seriousness with which academic misconduct is treated and serve as a stark warning to would-be offenders.

The introduction of these robust measures signals a pivotal step in fortifying the UAE’s educational framework against the scourge of cheating.

By imposing substantial penalties and reinforcing accountability at all levels, authorities aim to foster a culture of academic honesty and integrity conducive to the pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

As the UAE reaffirms its commitment to upholding educational standards, students and educators alike are reminded of the imperative to uphold the principles of integrity and ethical conduct in all academic endeavours.


This article was created using automation technology and was thoroughly edited and fact-checked by one of our editorial staff members

Tariq Saeed

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