
St Kitts: PM Terrance Drew extends happy new year wishes to fellow residents

At the beginning of 2023, the Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Terrance Drew, pronounced a heartfelt greeting to the people of St Kitts and quoted," I wish you peace and contentment throughout the New Year 2023". 

St Kitts and Nevis: 

At the beginning of 2023, the Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Terrance Drew, pronounced a heartfelt greeting to the people of St Kitts and quoted,” I wish you peace and contentment throughout the New Year 2023″. 


PM Drew wished his fellow residents a warm, happy new year and said,” Every year, a new hope and excitement awaits us as we move forward with a positive set of goals and plans for a better tomorrow”. 


The Prime Minister, Dr Terrance Drew, expressed his wishes in a message for his fellow companions of St Kitts and Nevis. He stated that we must have hope as it brings a desire to enhance the overall position of our life. PM Drew added that having hope is not just about wishing for a better future but making ourselves ready for future challenges and difficulties, which inspires positive actions.


Furthermore, Prime Minister Drew conveyed that taking a leap of faith is essential as every person follows dreams and aspirations as a fundamental traits for a human being. So, on the auspicious occasion of this New Year 2023, Dr Drew extended the sense of hope and encouraged the people to be aspirants for life. “Being Bold in our actions will open new doors of opportunities; remain steadfast and grateful always,” said PM Drew.



 In his message, Dr Drew extended immense gratitude to the people of St Kitts and thanked them for trusting the government, which empowers the cabinet to work harder to fulfil the goals. The people of St Kitts have been showing enormous trust and confidence in the government and stood together in difficult times.


Moreover, PM Drew addressed the residents and said, “The capacity for cooperation is especially important in good governance blended with a sense of trust. You have faith in our hard work to cooperate for our country’s security, well-being, and future. Your confidence in us as your government is appreciated and valued”.


In addition, while wishing the people a happy and prosperous New Year, PM added that the coming year would be full of positive changes, including smooth transitions and an extended vision with a mindset of growth and empowerment. He stated that the country is getting out of the pandemic while making the Economy stronger and steadier than ever by transforming our home into a sustainable island state.

The message issued by PM Drew also included a statement in which he pointed out the government is ready to take effective actions, including much-needed efforts to raise the standard of living for the island’s people. 

The new approach will follow our seven (7) significant points to provide fundamental facilities such as  

  • Food Security
  • Green Energy Transition
  • Economic Diversification, 
  • Sustainable Industries, 
  • Creative Economy, 
  • COVID-19 Recovery and Social Protection.

“The coming year awaits more opportunities for all of us, and we must have the positive intent to chase new initiatives throughout the coming year, said PM Drew. “By enabling us to get ready to accomplish new goals and visions will ensure the sustainable growth of the nation, which would make the country an ideal place to work, live and visit,” he added.  


Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew called his fellow residents of St Kitts and Nevis and addressed them as “Dear fellow members of St Kitts and Nevis; an opportunity awaits us to revive the areas of our Economy and to advance in new journeys. 

By taking action and moving on with our planned techniques to transform our future in a better shape, we must overcome the obstacles and ground lost during the recent past”. Through accomplishing very little without the tenacity and devotion of the men and women who put in their hard work in the different areas of the Economy of St Kitts. To such a spirit, the government bows down in respect.”

Moreover, he also said that “There is much to do, and we should stick to our roles and duties, and we are all set to kick start a better future”.

The government of St. Kitts-Nevis aims to implement our imprint on the further growth of our Federation. Our cabinets have pinned numerous game-changing and futuristic projects to kick the transformation into a higher gear. 

Dr Terrance Drew concluded, “With the new Budget in motion, we plan to carry forward a full year’s aim to use our stellar policies under the seven (7) pillars of development as pledged during the August Election Campaign of 2022.

PM Drew ended his message by saying, “Let’s celebrate the occasion that brings us together as we enter the next year making new goals to be each other’s support and put our Country Above sole”.

PM Drew also wished everyones’ a bright & prosperous New Year! He stated, “God Bless You and Your Family. God Bless our beloved nation, St. Kitts and Nevis!”

Tariq Saeed

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