Abu Dhabi, UAE: In the United Arab Emirates, a total of additional 284 new cases of the novel coronavirus were recorded today, Saturday, April 2, 2022, as per the official data shared by the Ministry of Health and Prevention. This brings the overall number of confirmed infections of COVID-19 in the Middle East country to 891,872 as of April 2 since the beginning of the outbreak.
A total of 298,820 additional tests for COVID-19 were conducted in the last 24 hours in the United Arab Emirates, of which these new cases resulted positive for the virus.
In the last 24 hours, no COVID-19 patient lost his life to the contagious viral disease; therefore, the total death rate in the Middle East country remains at 2,302, according to the data shared by the health ministry.
There are a total of 823 patients of the novel coronavirus who recovered from the virus and got discharged from the hospital facilities as of today. With this, the total number of COVID-19 recoveries increases to 869,315 in the United Arab Emirates.
COVID-19 vaccination of the country:
In the United Arab Emirates, there are a total of 9,890,202 citizens of the country who have taken their at least one dose of the novel coronavirus and are in the category of partially vaccinated population. This number represents almost 100% eligible targeted population of UAE.
On the other hand, there are a total of 9,613,276 individuals who are fully vaccinated by taking their required number of the COVID-19 vaccines. This number of individuals computes for nearly 97.2% of the total targeted eligible population of the Middle East nation.
Meanwhile, there are a total of 4,981,684 individuals in the UAE who are fully immunized and have also taken their booster shot (third dose) of the COVID-19 vaccine to date, the official data adds.