
Dubai Airport anticipates to reach pre-covid passenger numbers by 2023

Dubai International Airport is again flooded with passengers. The traffic at Dubai international airport is expected to reach Pre-covid 19 pandemic numbers at the end of 2023.

Dubai International Airport is again flooded with passengers. The traffic at Dubai international airport is expected to reach Pre-covid 19 pandemic numbers at the end of 2023.

Paul Griffiths, chief executive of Dubai Airports, said that the number of passengers at Dubai International Airport crossed the Pre pandemic rate of 7.8 million in a month during the first half of the year.


Mr Griffiths said that the airport operators expect the Gulf hub to handle 77.8 million passengers in 2023, which is earlier projected 75.5 million passengers during April.

The number of passengers has risen around 25 per cent, an increase of 62.4 million passengers. Passengers are expected to visit Dubai International Airport in 2022.

The annual traffic forecast, which was predicted in May at 58.3 million, has doubled during the year’s first half. Mr Griffiths said that if the second half of the year is as loaded as it was in the first half, we can easily reach the levels of Pre-pandemic in 2023.

If trends continue how we’ve seen them for the past two to three quarters, then we could be back to pre-pandemic levels earlier than we thought.” ” Mr Griffiths.

Dubai International Airport said that they had handled around 86.4 million passengers in 2019, and the number of passengers can match in 2024 easily.

In addition, Mr Griffiths said that they are recovering as they are reaching passenger levels up to 75 per cent as Japan, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand are reopening their borders and the world, except for China, is mainly returning to normal.


The Global Football Tournament will attract visitors to catch shuttle flights between Doha and Qatar as some of the visitors will stay in Qatar due to the good hotels over there.

Tariq Saeed

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