A few years ago, celebrating Halloween party in Saudi Arabia was meant to arrest. But now, the Saudi government-sponsored “horror weekend” means sold-out costume shops and scary clowns.
This move by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is said to be one of the historic moves for the Land of the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Arabia, as the kingdom looks to implement social reforms.
The Saudi General Entertainment Authority organised a festival called “Horror Weekend”. This was not a private party, and this was organised, sponsored and promoted by the Saudi government.
This is MBS’s 2030 vision of liberalising Saudi Arabia and turning the country away from Islam.
The videos and photos of the celebrations were swept all over social media; people belonging to the Muslim community criticised the decision of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to celebrate this banned festival in Saudi Arabia.
Ryan Davidson, an American national, spent some of Thursday shopping for a werewolf costume in Riyadh for a Halloween party at the weekend.
“Never would I have imagined Halloween here being such a big deal as it is in the US … I am really excited for this weekend.”
One of the social media users added, “This is what our beloved Saudi Arabia has turned to. The land of all satanic celebrations except Maulid. Any celebrations you know the west or the Americans celebrate, it’s now allowed in Saudi Arabia.”
Another user, while expressing his thoughts, added, “The beloved Prophet Muhammad ï·º had already said about Najd: “There will appear earthquakes and Fitnah, and from there will come out the side of the head of Shaytan.”
[Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 88, Chapter: “The Fitnah will appear from the east”, Hadith 214] May Allah forgive us all and keep us away from what is forbidden in Islam.”