Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit outlines vision as incoming CARICOM Chair
Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit outlines vision as incoming CARICOM Chair || image credits: PM Roosevelt Skerrit

Dominica: Dr Roosevelt Skerrit – The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica and the upcoming chairman of CARICOM (The Caribbean Community and Common Market), has extended his heartiest congratulations to the Caribbean nationals following the commencement of its 50th anniversary.

According to recent updates, Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is set to assume the chairmanship of CARICOM during the Forty-Fifth Regular Meeting of CARICOM Heads of Government. The meeting was scheduled in Trinidad and Tobago from July 3 to July 5, 2023. 


In addition, he also promised several improvements in various sectors of the community, such as resilience, health, education, and regional travel, to be fulfilled over the period of the coming six months.

Meanwhile, PM Skerrit emphasized the legacy and significance of the CARICOM Community, which was established in 1973 by the Treaty of Chaguaramas in Trinidad and Tobago. 

CARICOM has been aiming to create a mutual understanding and space where all the members can discuss common issues and work towards a progressive path and economic integration, noted PM.

In his remarks, he further elaborated on the 50th anniversary of the CARICOM Community. He noted that the member states had taken this as an opportunity to assess the achievements while analyzing the blueprints for further plans. He outlined that it is essential to examine the ongoing functions in the early days of his duties as the CARICOM chairperson.

While commenting on the tasks and responsibilities in front of him as the chairman, he stressed that the CARICOM community must possess the latest regulations to provide better facilities to the Caribbean people. 

He also mentioned that taking accurate steps is essential to achieve prosperity and economic resilience to deal with the economic and climate-related challenges in the region.


Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit then outlined the concept of cross-border travel of the skilled Caribbean people in search of better working conditions. 

He promised to consider such challenges to enhance the productivity of the Caribbean states, which would also increase the revenues while eliminating trade barriers.

In his address, PM Skerrit also claimed that the young generation of the Caribbean community holds significant importance in reducing crime cases with their harmful impacts. 

While continuing his remarks, he stated the enhanced education system also plays a major role in the growth of students, and students also depend on it to excel in their careers and vice versa.

The intensified education system will also facilitate the students to achieve major accomplishments in the competitive global environment. Following this, Prime Minister Skerrit emphasized providing better aid to the Haiti community by providing quality education and health care services and fulfilling their needs for safe food supplies and security.

He called his fellow Dominicans and Caribbean nationals to take part in the celebrations of its 50th anniversary. He asked the people to express pride and honour on the special occasion as we complete 50 years of security, stability, and progress.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit concluded that CARICOM had achieved many milestones while delivering the best services to the community. He acknowledged fellow states’ extensive contributions to CARICOM’s success, including the Secretary-General and Staff. 

In the end, he vowed to fulfil the needs and requirements of the people while serving the Caribbean community with integrity and power.

Tariq Saeed