
Dubai: Pakistani man sent back to home country after rare surgery

A Pakistani ex-pat, aged 27, who suffered from a huge brain stroke, has been sent back to his home town from Dubai after being in the hospital for seven months following a rare operation in which a part of his skull had to be removed to reduce pressure on the brain and was stored in his stomach.

A Pakistani ex-pat, aged 27, who suffered from a huge brain stroke, has been sent back to his home town from Dubai after being in the hospital for seven months following a rare operation in which a part of his skull had to be removed to reduce pressure on the brain and was stored in his stomach.

A specialist neurosurgeon at Aster Hospital, Al Qusais, Dr Chelladurai Hariharan, who helped in saving the life of Nadeem Khan, stated that since the skull couldn’t be put outside for a more extended period of time, there was no other option but to preserve it inside his abdomen so that it could be re-affixed later when his condition improves.


During November 2021, Khan, a construction worker, was taken to Aster Hospital, Al Qusais, after his colleagues found him unconscious in the bathroom.

Inzamam, a friend of the Pakistani man, “Nadeem had gone to the washroom, and we listened to a huge sound at around 1 am. There was no reply when we knocked on the door, so we forced open the door and saw him lying unconscious on the floor.”

In spite of several attempts to wake him up, Khan was unconscious, so the mates decided to take him to the hospital.

Inzamam said they got scared and took him down and then took him to the hospital in a taxi. He suddenly started experiencing seizures on the way, and the situation continued for over 20 minutes.

By the time they reached the hospital with him, Khan was in a highly-distressed form. At the emergency unit, the medical team somehow managed to stabilise him and took various tests on him.

A CT scan disclosed that he had suffered a huge stroke that had caused a lot of bleeding in his brain. He had to undergo complicated brain surgery to save his life.

Tariq Saeed

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