Cairo, Egypt: The President of the Middle East country, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, on Wednesday (February 16, 2022), met with the King Philippe Leopold of Belgium. The official meeting took place at the Royal Palace of Brussels, Belgium, during his state visit to attend the 6th European Union-African Union Summit, which has been scheduled for Thursday.
Egyptian Presidency spokesperson – Bassam Rady appreciated the historical ties between Belgium and Egypt. He further also appreciated and applauded the climactic role adopted by Egypt in the domain of establishing stability in the Middle East as well as in Africa, specifically in terms of combating – illegal migration, terrorism, religious coexistence, and backing peaceful solutions to regional crises.
On the other hand, the President of Egypt highlighted the diplomatic ties shared by both the countries, outlining that the Belgium-Egypt cooperation has recently grown. He expressed the aspiration to expand economic as well as trade partnerships between both countries.
He then also underscored his aspiration to expand the size of Belgian investments in Egypt.
The bilateral relationship between Belgium and Egypt:
Both of the countries share very strong and long-withstanding diplomatic ties. Belgium endeavours to contribute to the country’s economic recovery, but there is undoubtedly room for further deepening of Egypt’s economic cooperation.
Both Egypt and Belgium are member states of the European Union commission. The trade statics between both the countries has witnessed a massive rise of 72% during the first 11 months of 2021, reaching $2 billion, as compared to $1.2 billion during the same time frame in the year 2020.
The data has been shared by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), noting that exports from Egypt to Belgium has risen by 75.5%, recording $411.6 million during the first eleven months of 2021, as compared to – $234.5 million during the same course in 2020.