Saint Lucia: The Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development and Innovation Saint Lucia has recently shared an update regarding the support of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Transcultural programme towards the participation of Caribbean filmmakers in the European Film Market (EFM). The Film market is expected to start on 16 February and 22 February 2023.
As per the authorities of the Education and Innovation Ministry, “The European Film Market (EFM) is considered as one of the major markets for the film industry internationally, which will be opening tomorrow in Berlin for the first time.”
In addition, The Ministry stated, “During the EFM event, there will be a special stand dedicated to the cinema belonging to the Caribbean region and its cultural concepts.”
Furthermore, the reports conveyed that the European Union funded the UNESCO programme of Transcultural events, including Cuba and the Caribbean, along with European Union through united Culture and Creativity.
Per the released updates from the Ministry of Education, Innovation and Sustainable Development of Saint Lucia, the Transcultural European Film Market event is scheduled to commemorate in February in Berlin, Berlinale.
Moreover, the event is expected to host more than 10000 representatives, and filmmakers from all over the world with their best works to showcase during the international European Film Market event, said the Ministry of Innovation.
During the upcoming Film Market event, a number of experts and personnel, including the media industry and film industry from over 100 countries, are expected to attend the international event.
Saint Lucia will also be featured in the EFM for the first time, where the representatives of the Saint Lucia film industry will attend Talents Summits along with a talent development programme for the top 200 emerging filmmakers and series creators in Bilanale, berlin starting from 16 February.
Notably, Saint Lucian filmmaker Ms Michelle Serieux was selected among 3295 applications from 125 countries to participate in the Summit which will take place from February 18-23, 2023. The Summit will allow Ms Serieux to further develop her fiction debut, Black Madonna.