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Egypt PM witnesses healthcare collaboration for medical advancements

Cairo, Egypt: Signing a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in the fields of improving the quality and efficiency of hospitals,

Abu Dhabi, Ain, Zafra drivers benefit from traffic point reduction courses

Abu Dhabi, UAE: The Police Force arranged for drivers to take courses to reduce traffic points and restore driver’s licenses. 11144 entitled registered vehicle drivers in Abu Dhabi, Ain and Zafra benefited from this initiative in the first half of the current year, 2023.

Dubai: Maj. Gen. Jamal Salem Al-Jalaf witnesses opening of “Youth Meeting Future Leaders 2023” event

Major General and Director of the General Directorate for Investigation and Criminal Investigation in Dubai Police, Jamal Salem Al-Jalaf, witnessed the opening of the "Youth Meeting Future Leaders 2023". 

Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit highlights regional issues for CARICOM

Dr Roosevelt Skerrit – the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, has addressed major issues and challenges in front of the CARICOM (The Caribbean Community and Common Market) Community in the presence of top United States (US) diplomat – Secretary of State Antony Blinken. 

Jordan: Hashemite University Prez emphasizes “Trust based cyber protection sytem”

The President of Hashemite University, Mr Fawaz Abdel Haq Al-Zaboun, has recently confirmed the discussion of the master's message to the student Sufyan Al-Zaboon entitled "Trust-based cyber protection system to secure transactions in the cloud market" during his presence at the University.

Jordan: PM Bashar Al-Khasaouna continues series of field visit to Al-Jafr district

Jordan: The Prime Minister of Jordan, Bashar Al-Khasaouna, continues his series of field tours with a visit to the Al-Jafr District in the #Maan Governorate of the nation. 