
DLP launches Miriam Blanchard as new candidate from Roseau North

Dominica's Labour Party has recently launched a new candidate into the party, Miriam Blanchard, from the Roseau North constituency, for the snap general elections, which will be taking place on December 6, 2022.

Dominica’s Labour Party has recently launched a new candidate into the party, Miriam Blanchard, from the Roseau North constituency, for the snap general elections, which will be taking place on December 6, 2022.

On November 23, during the launching event, Prime Minister of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit was seen into full swing while focusing on the fact that a constituency like Roseau North always needed a responsible leader who worked for the benefit of the people.


While addressing the DLP supporters during the launch event, PM Skerrit said he would fully support Miriam
Blanchard in transforming the lives of Roseau North.

In addition to his statement during the address, PM Skerrit said that the people of Roseau North had made some mistakes in past. Still, this time, the people of this constituency have the opportunity to support the right leader and unlock the peace and progress of Roseau North.

Prime Minister of Dominica asserted his confidence in the newly launched candidate and assured people that she would look after the constituency well.

Not only this, but PM Skerrit also outlined the importance of climate-resilient homes across Dominica; in one of his statements, he added that Dominica Labour Party had worked their days and nights to provide quality of climate resilient homes which can survive the roughest natural calamities.

During the launch event, Miriam Blanchard came forward to address the crowd and while her address, she outlined the investments which were made by Dominic Labour Party to ensure development in the country.

She said, “It is time that Roseau North fully approve this working government through the voting. It is time we pull our skills, aptitudes and aids to build better lives for our people and support our communities,” stressed the parliamentary representative from the Roseau North constituency.”


She added that in the digital economy, opportunities abound for young people to access online jobs and develop their capacities in ICT and software development.

“The vision of this government for a more robust and prosperous nation is unfolding right before your eyes”, she further added.

Tariq Saeed

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