The ninth meeting of the board of trustees of the National Human Rights Institution was held on the 25th of October in Abu Dhabi. Chairperson Maqsoud Kruse of the NHRI Board of Trustees headed the meeting. The agenda of the meeting was to review the progress of previous decisions along with a discussion of future plans of the NHRI.
The 9th meeting also discussed the projects on the protection of human rights protection. Moreover, the general secretary of the NHRI also produces a report on the periodic performance of the NHRI.
The report covered the contracting and procurement along with those projects which are related to the enhancement and development of NHRI employees. During the same meeting, many aspects of the human rights laws of the UAE were deeply discussed.
The attendees of the meeting laid special emphasis on giving more power to the NHRI.
According to the attendees, more power will improve the working of the NHRI towards the improved performance of this institution on human rights protection. It is to be specifically mentioned that NHRI has done commendable work in the past for the protection of human rights protection.
It is to be worth mentioning that the National Human Rights Institution was initially established in the year of 2021. NHRI was established as an independent institution as per federal law no 12. Due to its independent status, the NHRI enjoys Financial and Administrative affairs.
The aim to give the NHRI maximum independence and financial independence is to give it wider power for the protection of human rights in the United Arab Emirates. As per the official of the government, the NHRI works under the Paris principle to regulate the work of national human rights institutions, which are approved by the United Nations.
Meeitng also analyses the report on the previous work carried out by the NHRI for safeguarding the human rights of needy people in different situations.