Protest erupts in Dubai amid Imran Khan’s removal as Prime Minister of Pakistan

The people who support Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Dubai have started a protest in the country against Imran Khan's removal as the Prime Minister of Pakistan through a no-confidence motion on the night of Sunday, 10 April.

The people who support Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Dubai have started a protest in the country against Imran Khan’s removal as the Prime Minister of Pakistan through a no-confidence motion on the night of Sunday, 10 April.

Pakistan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf tweeted, “Dubai, United Arab Emirates Call was for Pakistan but Pakistanis across the world standing up for #ImranKhan.”


On the other hand, in Pakistan, PTI has taken out several protests and rallies in many cities across the country. The cities where the massive demonstrations are being conducted include Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, and Lahore. The agitators were seen shouting slogans against the opposition.

On Monday, 11 April, Imran Khan, chairman of PTI, expressed his gratitude to the people of the country as well as supporters all over the world for supporting the demonstrations taking place against his removal as the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

“Thank you to all Pakistanis for their tremendous outpouring of support and emotions to oppose against US-backed regime change helped by local Mir Jafars to bring into force a coterie of pliable crooks all out on bail. Shows Pakistanis at home & abroad have certainly rejected this,” Imran Khan tweeted.

“Never have such groups come out so spontaneously and in such numbers in our history, rejecting the imported govt led by crooks,” he said in another Tweet.

On Sunday evening, the supporters of PTI protested outside former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s home in London after Imran Khan was voted out of power by rival parties.


The voting on the motion of no-confidence against the Imran Khan-led PTI government started in the country’s National Assembly on Saturday, where 174 members gave their vote in favour of this motion that removed Imran Khan from his seat.

Apart from this, the National Assembly of Pakistan will vote on 11 April to elect a new Prime Minister for the country.

Tariq Saeed

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