The very 1st edition of the trilateral maritime exercise between India, UAE and France have commenced on June 7, 2023, Wednesday. The trilateral maritime exercise between the troops of three of the nations have taken place in the Gulf of Oman.
It is to be noted that the maritime exercise featured the INS Tarkash, French Rafale aircraft, French ship surcouf, along with the UAE Maritime Patrol Aircraft.
The maritime drills between India-France and the United Arab Emirates has witnessed a vast spectrum of naval operations such as Surface Warfare, which involves tactical firing practice along with the drills for the missile engagement on the surface targets.
Along with this, the list enclosed helicopter cross deck landing operations, advanced air defence drills as well as the boarding operations.
The sole aim behind this trilateral maritime exercise is mainly for boosting the trilateral cooperation between the UAE, France and India, in the several major fields.
The drills will also boost collaboration in making sure about the safety of mercantile trade along with the freedom of navigation on high seas across the area.
It is also looking for establishing the steps for addressing the traditional and non-traditional threats in the maritime environment.
Considerably, India and the United Arab Emirates have also conducted several joint air combat drills, which includes “Desert Eagle II”, mainly for boosting the security cooperation and counter terrorist threats.
In the similar context, Naseem-Al-Bahr is a bilateral naval drill which takes place between the naval forces of India and the UAE. The sole aim behind these exercise is to boost maritime security, promoting cooperation in the anti-piracy operations, and empowering the ties between the naval forces of the two nations.