Tibetans persecution continues by Chinese authorities: reports

Lhasa, Tibet: Chinese Authorities continue to exploit Tibetans both inside and outside of Tibet for their cultural values and beliefs, wrote Janet Rice, a Senator in Australian Parliament, who has confirmed in the Tibet Rights reports.

Tibetans persecution continues by Chinese authorities: reports
Tibetans persecution continues by Chinese authorities: reports (image credits google)

Lhasa, Tibet: Chinese Authorities continue to exploit Tibetans both inside and outside of Tibet for their cultural values and beliefs, wrote Janet Rice, a Senator in Australian Parliament, who has confirmed in the Tibet Rights reports.

According to Tibet Rights Collective, the Tibetans Uprising Day commemorates the 1959 Tibetan uprising, which takes place on 10 March every year. The rebellion ultimately violently caused a crackdown on independence movements in Tibet along with the flight of the Dalai Lama into Exile.


As per the estimates, the number of killed Tibetans has already crossed the million mark due to the policy of China to settle their people in Tibet, which resulted in making the Tibetans a minority in their own nation, said reports.

A statement was issued by a group of United Nations (UN) special rapporteurs commenced in November last year, which noted their grave topics of concern. A report was presented explaining the acculturation policy and assimilation of the Tibetan culture and values into the Chinese majority.

Furthermore, the action was conducted through a series of serious steps against various sectors in Tibet, such as education, religion, linguistics and institutions, as the conflict in the right to freedom of religion and belief along with the cultural rights of the Tibetans.

Meanwhile, UN Commissioner issued a statement earlier in February and cited that there has been an alarm during the separation of one million Tibetan children from their households and families with enforced assimilation at residential schools, said reports.

Janet Rice, for The Tibet Rights Collective, wrote: “I continue to be extremely concerned about the disappearance of the Panchen Lama 28 years ago. Last year I introduced a motion to the Notice Paper calling for the Senate to recognise only a Dalai Lama appointed by Tibetan Buddhist traditions and practices without interference by the Chinese government.”

She further said: “The Australian Greens believe that universal human rights are fundamental and must be respected for everyone in all countries. That principle informed my approach as the Greens’ foreign affairs spokesperson and continues to inform my views on foreign policy.”

Tariq Saeed