Egypt: SS Minister Niveen Al Qabaj continues drug abuse monitoring during Ramadan

The Minister of Social Solidarity and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fund, Mrs Niveen Al Qabaj, headed the Media Observatory of the Anti–Addiction Treatment and Addiction Fund, continuing monitoring of smoking and drug abuse in charity activities during Ramadan 2023.

Egypt: SS Minister Niveen Al Qabaj continues drug abuse monitoring during Ramadan
Egypt: SS Minister Niveen Al Qabaj continues drug abuse monitoring during Ramadan(image credits Facebook)

The Minister of Social Solidarity and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fund, Mrs Niveen Al Qabaj, headed the Media Observatory of the Anti–Addiction Treatment and Addiction Fund, continuing monitoring of smoking and drug abuse in charity activities during Ramadan 2023.

On her part, Minister Al-Qabaj stated that all national efforts and awareness campaigns on the drug issue would not bear fruit without drama. She added that the fund continues to monitor the dramatic intake of smoking and drug abuse during the holy month of Ramadan 2023.


The abuse of drugs has been analysed through elite professors of media, psychiatry and sociology in the context of his role drawn. It has a document of commitment that the dramatists have to eat properly against the phenomenon of smoking and drug abuse released in collaboration with the acting trade union.

Al-Qabaj stressed the need to continue dialogue with drama makers to set the course within the framework of the moral document, stressing that all national efforts and awareness campaigns on the drug issue will not be fruitful without drama support, especially since the drug issue in Egypt has become one of the most important issues that threaten the security and social security of the homeland.

Meanwhile, from Janiya, Dr Amr Othman, Assistant to the Minister of Solidarity – Director of the Fund for Combating and Treatment of Addiction Fund, clarified that the media observatory of the fund would continue to monitor the phenomenon of smoking and drug abuse in drama and analysing them through a elite professors of media, psychology and sociology.

The Minister, Othman, further added that a blacklist for the dramas would be announced. Scenes of smoking and using drugs without touching on the effects of this phenomenon and the negative effects of addiction. In addition, the announcement of drama is free of scenes of smoking and addiction, as well as works that display these scenes, including the effects and repercussions of addiction on smokers.

Amr Othman added that the charter, which was prepared with the participation of the acting professions syndicate, the film union, the senior drama writers and the Catholic Cinema Center, was aimed at setting standards that ensure a reasonable intake of drama acts to the problem of smoking and drug abuse.

It is noteworthy that over the past years, the efforts of the Anti-Addiction and Treatment Fund chaired by Mrs Niveen Al-Qabaj, Minister of Social Solidarity and Chairman of Board of Directors of the Fund, have succeeded through contacting the Acting Profession Syndicate, Filmmakers Union.

Tariq Saeed