UAE: Dubai Police commemorates Retreat for Future of Forensics on 27 March

United Arab Emirates: The Department of Dubai Police Force has recently shared an update regarding commemorating an event under the theme 'Dubai Police Strategic Retreat Foresees Future of Forensics." Yesterday, March 27th, 2023.

UAE: Dubai Police commemorates Retreat for Future of Forensics on 27 March
UAE: Dubai Police commemorates Retreat for Future of Forensics on 27 March (image credits Facebook)

United Arab Emirates: The Department of Dubai Police Force has recently shared an update regarding commemorating an event under the theme ‘Dubai Police Strategic Retreat Foresees Future of Forensics.” Yesterday, March 27th, 2023.

According to the shared information, the officials from the Dubai Police Department have reached out to their official social media handle to share the details from the event with the residents of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


In addition, during the Strategic Retreat for Future of Forensics event, several top police officers and government officials were present, among which Major General Ahmad Thani bin Ghalaita, Director of the Forensic and Criminology of the Dubai Police Department, emphasized the dedication of the Dubai Police General Command to embracing state-of-the-art innovations in crime deterrence and criminal sciences at the inauguration of the Department’s strategic retreat.

The reports have further stated that the retreat was attended by directors of sub-departments and strategic partners of the General Department from both within and outside the Dubai Police. 

Furthermore, Major General Ibn Ghalita stressed the significance and importance of empowering the force’s scientific and specialized cadres to contribute to the provision of reliable physical evidence that aids investigations and judicial authorities.

Moreover, on his part, Major General Khalifa also took it conveys that there is a need and major requirement to develop strategies to anticipate work in the field of criminal evidence, in line with the vision of the wise government in anticipating the future and creating accelerators to achieve that vision, said reports.

During the event, the strategic retreat encompassed discussions on various aspects aimed at improving the operations of the General Department of Forensic Evidence and Criminology. 

It is noteworthy that the outcomes of the retreat will be studied and will form the nucleus of the Department’s future strategic plan, ensuring that the Dubai Police continues to stay at the forefront of criminal sciences and effectively addresses emerging challenges and changes in criminology.



Tariq Saeed